The notion of having a root canal, no doubt, makes you nervous and apprehensive. You want to save your tooth from extraction. However, you have heard horror stories about the dreaded Root Canal.
If you’re in Lemon Grove, CA, looking for a “dentist near me” who can do your root canal, safety and comfort being priorities. Dr. Richard B. Evans at Summit Dental of La Mesa in La Mesa, CA, a short drive away, is an experienced dentist who performs a comfortable and easy root canal.
The following dental questions are those that patients frequently ask. Hopefully, the answers you are about to read put your mind at rest, and you know you are in good hands for a safe and comfortable procedure at Summit Dental of La Mesa.
You most likely have heard some horror story about someone’s root canal treatment. What you don’t hear from is the 95% of people who have a root canal with no problems. You do hear from some who wait until they can not stand the pain anymore and have the treatment started the same day. An infection causing severe pain can affect the local anesthetic and make it difficult to numb the area. A couple of days on an antibiotic in most cases takes the pain away and gets the infection under control which then allows a pain free root canal treatment. Please be aware that the antibiotic is a temporary reprieve from the pain. Only root canal therapy or an extraction can get rid of the source of the pain.
Basicly a root canal is the removal or inflamed pulp inside the tooth, the remaining canal(s) are cleaned and shaped, then the canal(s) are sealed usually with a thermoplastic material. Usually a post & core is placed to replace missing tooth structure and a crown is placed over the tooth to protect it. A root canaled tooth is more brittle due to losing its blood supply. So in most cases a crown is needed to protect the tooth from fracture..
The dentist may prescribe a root canal if,
When a tooth is damaged to the point that the nerve is exposed, you may or may not have significant pain and tooth sensitivity. The dentist examines the tooth and can tell you if you need a root canal or an extraction. A root canal is better if the tooth is worth saving.
A root canal can be done in one visit or more depending on the tooth and its circumstances. After the completion of the root canal, a post & core or a build up is needed before a crown is made. A front tooth sometimes does not need a crown. However, be advised that over time, a root canaled tooth can become darker in color. It is never recommended not to crown a back tooth. If a back tooth is not protected with a crown, it will most likely crack at some point. You will lose the tooth and will have wasted your money on the root canal.
First, know that a tooth extraction is far cheaper than a root canal. However, it is best if you can keep as many natural teeth as possible. Summit Dental of La Mesa offers you an in-office savings plan that allows you to get affordable dental care. They don’t do credit checks, do claim forms, and have no waiting periods. Their in office savings plan offers even more benefits that ensure you receive worry-free dental treatment. Root canals cost $350 to $1,000 or more depending on your damaged tooth, insurance coverage, and more. We need to make that vital assessment first.
Feeling comfortable in the dental chair is all about the dentist’s experience and skill in all aspects of dentistry, especially root canals.
Give us a call today at (619) 494-2492 to make an appointment or for more infonn ation. If you think that a root canal is in your future, put your trust in Dr. Richard B. Evans and his team at Summit Dental of La Mesa.
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