Tooth loss can cause you to miss out on many activities you love. After all, eating, smiling, or talking is hard when multiple teeth are missing. Dr. Stephanie Peacock highly recommends implant treatment for replacing lost teeth at Summit Dental of La Mesa in La Mesa, California. Implants look and act like real teeth, restoring your smile’s original function and beauty.
Implants requires oral surgery, which may sound daunting but is actually a fairly routine procedure. We’ve broken down the implant process here to give you a better idea of what to expect from this treatment.
First, it’s important to note that implants aren’t teeth. They’re small titanium posts that function like tooth roots in supporting replacement teeth. Successful implant placement is crucial to the outcome of your treatment as it determines the stability of your new smile. Here are the stages of implant treatment.
Dr. Peacock will start with a consultation to determine whether you’re suitable for implants. At this time, we’ll take X-rays and CT scans and conduct tests to evaluate your oral, general, and jawbone health, as they all play a role in the effectiveness of your treatment. If you’re deemed a good candidate for implants, we’ll discuss your options and outline a treatment plan.
Implant placement requires oral surgery. Dr. Peacock will numb your mouth with local or general anesthesia, to ensure a painless procedure. An incision is made in your gum to gain access to your jawbone. Then, we’ll drill a hole in your jawbone and insert the implant. This process is repeated for each implant that you need. Afterward, we’ll suture your gum so it can heal.
Osseointegration is the process where the implants fuse with surrounding bone tissue to take on the role of artificial tooth roots. This process takes, on average, 3 to 6 months to complete, after which Dr. Peacock will have a secure, permanent platform for rebuilding your smile.
After the implants heal, Dr. Peacock will attach abutments (connectors) to link them with your new teeth. This procedure is also done under anesthesia. We’ll open your gum, attach the abutments and wait several weeks for them to heal.
The final stage is designing and attaching your restorations (replacement teeth), which may be dental crowns, a fixed bridge, or implant dentures, depending on your treatment plan. Dr. Peacock will customize your restorations to exude an attractive, natural appearance. Your new smile will not only look great, but it will also be strong, fully functional, and enduring.
If you reside in or near La Mesa, CA, visit Summit Dental of La Mesa for implant treatment. To schedule a consultation, please contact Dr. Stephanie Peacock at (619) 494-2492.
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